A new site for helping you find an arcade near you: Arcade Fly

Shaggy September 22, 2008 2

A new website dedicated to helping players find arcades near them as well as see what games are there and connect with other players is now available to the public. Known as Arcade Fly, they have already assembled a large amount of information on arcades and games to be found in not just the US but around the world and they have a system setup where players can connect with each other as well. The site will show you which arcades are most popular on the site as well as which games most people are looking at (which at the moment is surprisingly Zero Gunner 2 – most others are bemani titles and of course SFIV is on there). And what’s really cool is when you register and check out the maps, it automatically finds many arcades in your area. Head on over and check it out!

BTW- The site allows anyone to add arcades to the site along with what games are there so it can expand further. It’s a fairly easy process to add locations to the mix so it is a work-in-progress site but so far I like what I see there.

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  1. Adam Fortuna September 23, 2008 at 10:24 pm - Reply

    Thanks for write up! Definitely out of the gate running, and hoping to see what people like and don’t like about the site. I used to run a DDR/Music games site, which is why all the locations already in there are music game locations. On the bright side though, anyone can go in and edit an arcade and games at it, so hopefully having the location in there already will make it one less step for people. If anyone has any tips, problems or suggestions, feel free to let us know!

  2. Dig September 25, 2008 at 3:10 am - Reply

    This looks like this website has promise. I can tell because I was able to find locations of arcades here in the middle of Kansas that I never knew about before. Definitely a site I want to contribute to.

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