Dance Challenge, a new arcade game from India

Shaggy September 29, 2008 4

It’s always a good thing when we see someone new join the arcade game creation business, and it’s just as cool when you see them come out of a country not yet known for their arcade games. We have covered a few things like this in the past and the trend continues, this time out of India. A company called FX Labs has released what they are calling India’s first arcade game, Dance Challenge. From the name it’s not difficult to surmise what the game is like – it’s based on foot-controlled bemani games with a four way dance pad(although the pictures show two diagonal arrows but they are not mentioned in the game’s description) but in addition to using the dance pad you can also use hand controls on the console.

For the playlist, it seems as though FX Labs has some good connections with “Tollywood” (having only heard

Try playing the game while levitating. Now THAT is a challenge!

Try levitating while playing. Now THAT is a challenge!

of Bollywood before and thinking that meant cinema in India was all labeled under that name, I looked them up and Tollywood refers to cinema in the Telugu language, apparently they are 2nd largest producers of cinema in India, just behind Bollywood) where it has 40 songs from hit movies out of Tollywood, combining music and film into the game. The game can also be easily upgraded with new songs/video to keep players coming for more and it can also be played with two players.

It would be interesting to see if Dance Challenge ends up anywhere outside of India, admittedly I’m not sure who would pick it up for importation. We also will keep an eye on FX Labs to see if they will come around with any other arcade titles, they seem to have a few PC games already under their belt (including a puzzle/strategy game – one of those genres that’s great in arcades but we haven’t seen any for a while now) too so who knows what they will do next.

[FX Labs – Dance Challenge] [Discuss on the Forums]


  1. MattTheSpratt October 2, 2008 at 8:55 am - Reply

    Sorry, but it’s just too similar.
    Plus I can’t believe this is India’s first arcade game, what took them?
    Even Germany made a couple of arcade titles.

  2. Shaggy October 2, 2008 at 2:08 pm - Reply

    Yeah, that’s why I put “they are calling” it India’s first arcade game. I looked around a little and couldn’t find anything else, yet. It just seems strange that in no time during the 80’s near the height of arcade gaming did anyone in India do something like that, even the Soviet Union had a few games at the time.

  3. Mootal October 20, 2008 at 2:19 pm - Reply

    I’d rather dance on ice than dance on something that’s obviously a rip on Dcance Dance Revolution. I mean who are they kidding? I think it’s hardly fair to even call it India’s own arcading game. It’s not even original.

    But then again, that’s what drives Bollywood. So why not follow the same doctrine when it comes to gaming?

  4. Mootal October 20, 2008 at 2:19 pm - Reply

    **Dance Dance

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