The news keeps rolling in of new entertainment venues opening their doors to the public and the latest comes to us from Ft. Myers Florida of the opening of a new place called Pirates
Treasure. Unlike the other facilities which we have discussed recently however, this is not an FEC and sounds to be a border-line casino as opposed to a real arcade (as the news article calls it repeatedly) or FEC as the games mentioned in the article just give payouts to players of gift cards for use in other local businesses. They also have “60 machines with 35 different games” so it sounds like they have a few repeats there. I would like to get some more info on this place but they don’t seem to have a website available at this time so it’s hard to say what it is they have there. If anyone is in the area however, maybe they can fill us in on how close to an actual arcade it is. Either way as a Vegas style place it could be fun anyways for the locals as it sounds like a decent sized place with a good theme.
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