New screens of Justice League: Heroes United (Updated with pricing info)

Shaggy January 21, 2009 1
New screens of Justice League: Heroes United (Updated with pricing info)


We have received a couple of new screenshots of GlobalVR’s new Justice League: Heroes United arcade brawler title, which you can see in full view by clicking on the thumbnails below.

jl_screen_01 jl_screen_02

In addition to those we have a little info on the location testing of the game. So far the verdict on the game : “People love playing it”. If anyone out there has had a chance to get their hands on the game we’d certainly like to hear your thoughts on it and perhaps we’ll hear HeavyElectricity’s thoughts on the game next week (thanks for the correction HV)  when he visits ATEI. As I said before, I’m very curious to see how this plays, I always loved games like Die Hard Arcade and Dynamite Deka so I’d like to see how this compares and where it stands out. Also, I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before, but it is a yellow label game so I don’t know of any arcades that won’t carry those.

UPDATE: – A couple of distributor sites are now listing a price for JL. BMI Gaming is listing the standard version of the game at $3975 and the deluxe at $7975 , with the prices going up to $4275 and $8275 after a sale they are having; BHM Vending is listing the standard version of the game at $4600, deluxe at $9000. Prices always vary between distributors but it’s good to see the standard version of the game below the $5000 mark.

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One Comment »

  1. HeavyElectricity January 22, 2009 at 1:06 am - Reply

    Thanks for the update, looking forward to getting to grips with it at ATEI. Just to make a small correction, the show is next week (I’m attending on Wednesday 28th).

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