Metal Gear Arcade with an official site and trailer

Shaggy June 13, 2009 1


As further proof to the world wide release of Konami’s upcoming Metal Gear Arcade game, they have a website setup for the game which includes more screenshots, info and even a trailer of the game in action. I find it irritating once again to see coverage of this in the blogosphere not only does not mention the world wide release but some are even downplaying the game saying it can’t be better than the PS3 version despite the fact they they have not played it. I’m not surprised by this naturally as I discussed this yesterday but at the very least this seems to be be getting more attention than even Guitar Hero Arcade did and that will translate into more attention for arcades overall.

From the trailer we can see that the game is going to be quite different from what we normally see in arcades, although there have been a couple of games in the past that are first or third action like this. With the online features it should stand out further from the rest of the crowd and of course it also has great graphics enhanced by the 3D goggles and 5.1 surround sound. You can see the trailer by going to the official site below.

[Metal Gear Arcade site] [Discuss on the Forums]

One Comment »

  1. arcads4ever June 15, 2009 at 10:55 pm - Reply

    don’t know why gaming mags have to always try downgrade on us saying arcades are dead and thats that. just look at mario kart, that started off as a home console game and its still just as fun in the arcade as it is at home plus they made a sequal too and possibly another one aswell.

    might just be me but I think games that start off at home tend to perform well in the arcade since anyone who is familiar with a popular certain game like guitar that starts off as a home console seems to perform very well in the arcade scene. something like metal gear is highly likley to perform well in the arcade since alot of people are familiar with it even know they might not have played it before (like myself) because there are too many other games released for console’s that are sometimes exclusives to certain consoles which in turn the arcade has an advantage over like what happened with the dreamcast and naomi arcade games.

    I hope they do a super smash bros arcade that uses a massive screen and collectable cards that you swipe with that have different characters on and rare characters like a golden mario, a bit simular to what’s used in sega’s mushi king and dinosaur king series.

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