Round-up from the JAMMA show (updated)

Shaggy September 17, 2009 3

Since I don’t have the opportunity to visit the JAMMA show in Japan, we have to rely on what other sites are showing us in regards to what is going on over there. Thanks to several Japanese game websites, here is a run down of what has been going on at JAMMA.


Sega launches a Giant Tetris website.


More direct screenshots from Famitsu.


Namco also has launched a teaser site for Tank! Tank! Tank! in Japanese. (Image above via Gpara)

While nothing has been shown on Arcana Heart 3, two teaser pics on the Examu blog seem to indicate that AH3 may in fact be a 3D fighter. (see the Upatsu scoop post on this link)

Just so I don’t overwhelm the front page with a long post with all of these big images, you can see more by hitting the link below. And to entice you further here’s what you get: Shots of Namco’s new pirate-themed light-gun title; a card-game from Namco; H2Overdrive in Japan; Shining Force Cross and more Giant Tetris; Project Cerebus; two new and unique games from Taito; Cyber Diver, KOF Sky Stage and more. UPDATE: Pics added for Tetris: The Grand Master 4, Speed Rider, Heat Up Hockey and others via Game Watch (which was found via AM Net)

Also from Gpara, you can see Namco’s new pirate-themed light gun game on the left of this image.


Closer shot of the pirate game. You can see how Sega’s Let’s Go Jungle has influenced this one although I see frmo this picture that Namco has added a motion base to the game, which LGJ lacked. (Famitsu)


I think Namco wants people to notice something (Famitsu)


Namco has some card-based coin-op games as well (Dengeki Online)


Check it out, H2Overdrive has landed in Japan! (Famitsu)


Sega’s Shining Force Cross attracted some nice crowds (Famitsu)


More Giant Tetris. It’s obvious that Sega is putting a lot more marketing into this game than they are the new TGM4. (Famitsu)


The NAOMI hardware is still getting some love with Project Cerebus (Dengeki Online) Also, since we’re onth e subject of fighters, Sega has also announced Virtua Fighter 5R Version C.


Sega’s Heat Up Hockey which we have discussed recently (Game Watch)


UPDATE: Finally, here is Tetris: The Grand Master 4 that we’ve all be waiting for (Game Watch)


Taito introduced a new game at the show which is very unique in it’s concept – it has a ‘dining table’ controller and the game deals with you tipping tables over to cause havoc somehow. It is listed as “Ultra-low dining table back” and it’s too bad that this is likely going to be something you’ll only enjoy in Asia. (Dengeki Online) (Official game website)


Another game that Taito has announced looks like a multiplayer quiz game with an interesting control setup. Something like this could be easily done in other markets, the question is what kind of interest would there be in a party-style quiz game. Apparently this game has three different control configurations, one which uses two buttons, one which uses one and another which uses a fishing reel (via this game’s official site) According to this link that reader ECM sent me, this and the previous game is a part of Taito’s “No-Kou” series.


UPDATE: More pics of this one via Game Watch


Taito’s quirky FPS Cyber Diver was there to tear things up. (Famitsu)


Don’t forget Elevator Action: Death Parade (Dengeki Online)


Taito also was showing of KOF Sky Stage. I wonder what that small cabinet is to the right of KOF though – is it me or does it say something about 3D there, perhaps a new 3D screen powered by the TypeX2 hardware? 3D screens are starting to become all the rage now.(Famitsu)


Here’s a better shot of KOF Sky Stage from Dengeki Online


Famitsu also has some direct screens from KOF Sky Stage


UPDATE: Pic of Speed Rider (which I believe is an IGS title) running on a Vewlix cabinet. This is the first time I’ve seen a Vewlix setup like this. (Game Watch)



DeathSmiles II always seems to make people happy (Famitsu)


This is probably why cameras are banned at some trade shows.


And this is why people sneak them in.



  1. 60Hz September 17, 2009 at 10:19 pm - Reply

    Looks awesome, hopefully some vids will sneak out as well… sega tetris was fun way back on the DC, curious to see what this new one stick no button tetris is about… looks to be something like stackers???

    • Shaggy September 17, 2009 at 10:30 pm - Reply

      Actually if you look carefully you’ll see that there is a yellow button on top of the controller that is probably used for the twisting.

  2. arcads4ever September 18, 2009 at 1:40 pm - Reply

    I really want to see what the controller looks like for the namco pirate shooter. the base of the pirate game reminds me of namcos rapid river game released 12 years ago. the giant tetris game doesn’t seem to let you have many blocks on the play grid to me. what the hell is that brown character supposed to be? I heard of toilet humor but this is ridiculous. that KOF Sky Stage game looks cool, its just a pity it will never likley not see release in the west. surely sega will release tetris worldwide as that game must be so cheap to make and its popular so maybe they will just like what they did with outrun 2 spdx.

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