If you constantly follow the happenings of what goes on in the video game industry than looking forward into what gaming will offer in the future is something that is bound to come across your mind. Obviously we thrive on new ideas and new releases to keep us going so anticipating what might be around the corner is worth considering. AH contributor and arcade industry consultant Kevin Williams has just penned an article dealing with the future of both console and arcade gaming and what direction it might go in and it has something to do with digital jukeboxes. Kevin makes a well-thought out case for such changes and with download-only services becoming increasingly popular, this is an idea that is on it’s way in some form. In case you are unfamiliar with what the jukebox model might be and how this could work out, I suggest checking out Kevin’s article, which you can read here at the Vending Times.
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what I really miss whenever I go to a pub for a pub lunch or night out is seeing arcade games that offer simple pleasure yet fun game play. I know we have these touch screen game like solitare but there not really the same in that respect. this is one opportunaty arcade companies should be looking into since its simple control with deep gameplay. I’m sorry but the DS and iphone don’t count as its too small anyway. I reckon it would work but there would be trouble reguarding licencing issues with other arcade game companies. but then again you need a licence to play music on a juke box I would have thought so why not 🙂