Game releases for this week: Twisted, BBH: Open Season, GT2010 and in Japan, Tank! Tank! Tank! (updated)

Shaggy October 3, 2009 6

UPDATE: I forgot to add Golden Tee 2010 which was also released this week

It’s been a little while since I did a “releases this week” post since news has been a little slow in that regard but this week there are a few titles that you can now start looking for in arcades, depending upon where you find yourself.

First off, GlobalVR has released their newest driving game Twisted: Nitro Stunt Racing. While a mini-motion version had been made available from the company previously, the standard and deluxe versions of the game started shipping this week. According to the press release by GVR, the game is selling better than they expected it to. More info on that title can be found here.


Next up is the new update for Big Buck Hunter, called Big Buck Hunter Pro: Open Season. Betson is reporting that this update is available in both dedicated and kit form although I have not seen a price for this listed yet. More info on that can be found here.


Incredible Technologies has also released the 21st iteration of their popular Golden Tee series, Golden Tee 2010 LIVE. In addition to updated graphics and courses this one also adds skins play, Facebook connectivity and more. It also has a really nice price (below the $3600 range I have seen).


Also of a note, Namco’s Tank! Tank! Tank! has been released in Japan. I have heard that a US release for this title will be “post-IAAPA” so that could mean December.

All of these titles have been moved into the “Already Released” columns on out official Arcade Game Release list for 2009.

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  1. igo October 3, 2009 at 3:51 am - Reply

    Nitro Stunt Racing looks like a fun one. It seems like the pc game “trackmania nations”. Trackmania can be downloaded for free (legal) at the following link:


  2. Kimone October 3, 2009 at 1:37 pm - Reply

    Can’t wait for Tank!^3. Already got ours on order.

    • Gamer October 3, 2009 at 4:39 pm - Reply

      Does your arcade have a website?

  3. arcads4ever October 3, 2009 at 2:03 pm - Reply

    TANK X3 sounds sweet and can’t wait to give this a go. nitro stunt racing looks kinda cool aswell but BBH yawn… come on rawthrills I’m sick and tired of countless BBH and fast and the furious. there great games but I want new content preferably original brand new games (licences are OK) but enough with the bbh and fatf games already. oh well its better to have another bbh than no game at all from them. wonder what the word is about rawthrills terminator gun game.

    • Shaggy October 3, 2009 at 5:37 pm - Reply

      Terminator will be at IAAPA but I am not sure if there will be any other new titles from them there.

      One nice thing about the BBH upgrade is that it’s more for operators who already have the game and need to give the game an earnings boost. Still, I know what you mean.

      I would like to try out Nitro, it looks like fun and the graphics are excellent too.

      • arcads4ever October 3, 2009 at 8:18 pm - Reply

        you never know shaggy they may have something under wraps until one of the shows. I suppose its Ok for an arcade operator and to give it a go a few times, but as an player I expect something other than countless sequals unless they add new game element other than just new settings like BBH safari. take THOTD series for example each game from one to 4 and EX spinoff is different especially 3 and 4 if you know what I mean. I love all the HOTD games although 3 is my least favourite of the series. if only I could play THOTD EX. hope they anounce THOTD 5 this year or next, but then thats wishful thinking LOL but deffinatly in the future after the sucess of THOTD 4 😀

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