Mall forces the closure of an arcade in Auburn NY

Shaggy November 10, 2009 5


It’s one thing when an arcade business has to close it’s doors due to poor business performance but it’s something else when the landlord shuts the business down simply because they want to “go in another direction”(of course what that really means is they probably found another business with more money that can muscle the arcade out). That is the sad case of Fun & Games in Auburn New York. The management at the Fingerlakes Mall decided recently that they want to go in a news01new direction and part of that meant closing down the arcade there, despite the fact that the business had always been on time with their rent. It sounds as though contractually Fun & Games has no recourse here with the management but on the bright side they are looking into relocating the business but that is always a proposition that is easier said than done.

When these things happen and the arcade owner has little say in what is happening with their own business, perhaps one of the more effective recourses is for the arcade’s customers to make some noise about it it directly to the management. Between hearing from consumers who shop at the mall and the possibility of this becoming something of an embarrassment to the managers,  it could result in a reversal of the decision. Of course after this I wouldn’t blame the owner if he didn’t want to stick around the mall anymore but as long as it could buy them some time to find a new spot, then making a ruckus about it would be worth it.

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  1. Smidget November 10, 2009 at 4:09 pm - Reply

    This same thing (being forced out) happened to our arcade in Eastland Mall, Charlotte, NC in 2002. It was called Mindboggle, I worked there. We never had a problem making money and were actually becoming a major VS. tourney location on the east coast with players coming in from across the country (we also held regular Pump It Up and Initial D tourneys). We were increasingly making profit and had an excited and dedicated customer-base. Well, this mall is the “ghetto” mall of Charlotte and at the time had problems with fights, shootings, etc. for a while (and is now actually closing, good riddance). The mall management was getting heat from “upstairs” so to prove that they were being active about the malls problem(s) they forced us to close because “we brought in kids,” putting blame on the arcade for the problems. This was most certainly not the case but they used us as a scapegoat to take the heat off them from higher-ups for a little while. The week after we closed there were 2 fights in the mall…It was an extremely sad day when it closed. Mindboggle was the definition of “arcade culture” and was only becoming stronger in its last years.

    • arcads4ever November 10, 2009 at 10:13 pm - Reply

      same thing happened to namco wonderpark in meadowhall UK.even though namco offered more rent to make same ammount for 3 restaurant and extra money on top of that meadowhall still wanted them out within a couple of months. very sad day it was when I found it closed. best popular up to date arcade in uk ever after london trocadero funland I think

  2. editor November 11, 2009 at 11:26 am - Reply

    Its common that retail pressure kicked arcades out of malls – while usually it is the greed of the leaser to get a slice of the generated capital to forces them out. A major issue is that with the new style venues we avoid being used as a cash-cow (entertainment anchor) for some venues.

    • arcads4ever November 11, 2009 at 7:32 pm - Reply

      its also one of the big problems when arcades are located in shopping malls. meadowhall booted namco out so they could turn the location namco was in into 4 food restaurants, thats one of the big reasons why people think the arcade market is dead and not realising that its places like meadowhall and the mall in NY that are forcing this kind of impression on people.

      • Z November 11, 2009 at 8:35 pm - Reply

        Lets talk about reality. The reality is that hundreds of locations will die from preventable closures this year. The reality is, half of these locations that die can be saved by you. For just $5, you can save an arcade. For just $5 you can prevent an unnecessary death of these astounding locations.
        Paypal or wire transfer is fine.

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