Arcade Belguim's EAG 2010 report

Shaggy February 16, 2010 1

Captain Kirk's cardboard cut-out looks on over the show.

(Thanks Nomax!)

Arcade Belguim has just posted an extensive report on the recent EAG show in London replete with 180 pictures from the event. There are a few things you’ll see here that weren’t in our initial reports(including a lot of redemption) so hop on over to check it out. They have some really nice shots of the games directly, without any screen glare which is also quite nice.

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One Comment »

  1. Nomax February 16, 2010 at 1:19 pm - Reply


    Due to a bug, the conclusion wasn’t displayed in the English version.

    It’s repaired now. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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