Reminder: Amusement Expo this week, here's a preview

Shaggy March 9, 2010 4

This is just a quick reminder that the new combo show of the AMOA/AAMA, better known as the Amusement Expo takes place this week, with the convention beginning on  Wednesday and ending on Friday. I will be there to get some hands-on time with some of the latest video games that will be popping up in arcades around the world later this year, and I’ll have my trusty HD camera there to capture the action. Some of the games you can look forward to seeing:

Pac-Man Battle Royale

Deadstorm Pirates (full software version)

Let’s Go Island

Pump It Up Pro 2 /Fiesta

Go Go Grand Prix

and much more. Not every company has revealed their roster yet (such as Raw Thrills’ and GlobalVR) but I am sure we’ll see Terminator Salvation there since that it’s RT’s flagship title and I expect to see NASCAR Online although without confirmation that is only a guess. No clue if RT will have something new at the show although they generally show off new games in March. As for any other new content, unless there is an announcement tomorrow to reveal more, we’ll just have to wait and see.

If anyone wants to catch up with me I’ll be wandering around the show playing games and taking video, in either a black Pac-Man/Ms. Pac-Man shirt or a blue shirt with a giant Atari logo on it(depends on the day). I also hope to get some podcast content done there too so it should be fun. When AH is updated with new content depends on access I can get to a PC but I’ll see what I can do to get content uploaded as quickly as possible. I’ll be sure to update via Twitter and you can also check my Youtube page for updates as that is where videos will appear first.

See you there!


  1. bacon March 9, 2010 at 10:05 am - Reply

    what is your twitter?

    • Shaggy March 10, 2010 at 12:03 am - Reply

  2. igo March 10, 2010 at 12:13 am - Reply

    I am looking forward to seeing the new Pac-Man.

    • Shaggy March 10, 2010 at 2:53 am - Reply

      Me too. I am quite curious to see if it’s an upright or cocktail cabinet.

      Also, I got word that Raw Thrills’ will have a new title there but it took me by surprise: Wheel of Fortune. I’m guessing it will be like Deal or No Deal.

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