The Arcade Heroes podcast #13 – not too professional but it works

Shaggy March 16, 2010 2

Here continues the tradition of not really holding to a tradition with the Arcade Heroes podcast with Episode 13. Kevin Williams of The Stinger Report joins me once again as we discuss

  • Amusement Expo 2010 and many games in detail – From the already popular Pac-Man Battle Royale to Terminator Salvation, Deadstorm Pirates, NASCAR Team Racing, Nirin, Go Go Grand Prix, Friction, Pump It Up Pro 2, DJ Max Technika, Marubot Football League, Wheel of Fortune, Panic Museum, Tippin’ Bloks and more
  • A little bit on the situation regarding ASCAP with music arcades like Guitar Hero
  • Arcade-related stuff that has happened outside of the Expo that I hadn’t had time to cover on the site yet or it happened when we were in Vegas
  • More details on that Midway surprise I mentioned on Twitter a few days ago and what it is exactly

While it doesn’t look like much, it goes on for nearly an hour and 45 minutes. Thanks to Kevin for joining me at my arcade via Skype and apologies for our listeners when Kevin was cut out inexplicably a couple of times (which I why I call this not too professional) and a kid stopped the recording on the computer I was using right at the end but I think we were able to salvage it there. Either way, you get probably more details out of this about Amusement Expo 2010 than anything else so I hope you enjoy it.

Download the podcast here! (94.3MB)


  1. editor March 17, 2010 at 1:45 am - Reply

    Correction – SEGA Sport Clay was NOT at the show – the TWEET was to inform me of the games that could ho into the cabinet, not what was at the show – sorry for any confusion.

  2. Shaggy March 17, 2010 at 1:52 am - Reply

    OK, I knew I wasn’t crazy. 🙂

    I can’t remember when in the podcast but didn’t we talk about Dead Heat Street Racing? I don’t have the time to listen through it again at the moment.

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