Rassen seeking to bring Vulcan-M and Shooting Star to the US UPDATE Vulcan now at Trocadero in London

Shaggy March 17, 2010 6

Of all the light-gun games we have discussed in recent times, perhaps one of the most surprising setups we have seen is the new content coming from Korean company Rassen as they seek to break into the amusement/digital out-of-home entertainment market. They demonstrated Vulcan-M at EAG (which features a realistic looking chaingun that expels shells and even smoke) and now they have sent us some information on this and one other game that they are seeking to bring to the US market. They do not have a distribution channel in the US yet but they hope to secure one soon.

Since we have covered Vulcan-M previously I am not going to get into too much detail on that, although they sent a brochure in English that I have posted after the break. The other new game they have revealed is Shooting Star, a large multiplayer game that is reminiscent of the classic Duck Hunt (or QWAK! if you want to be a purist). Like Vulcan-M, Rassen has taken pains to recreate realistic looking guns which according to them: “We use short gun, pistol, rifle, etc., which are specially made to give the feelings of real guns by providing realistic back blow, burst sound, ejection of cartridge case, etc. We also use 8 M long ultra wide projection screen for users to fully experience the feeling of real shooting place.”

They also provided a brochure for Shooting Star but it’s over 300MB in size so I’ll hold off on uploading that unless you are really curious to see it. Otherwise the video below should suffice.

Shooting Star

Another level on Shooting Star


I have also added both of these games to the United States column on our Arcade Release list for 2010.

UPDATE: Thanks to RJay on the forums it appears that Vulcan-M is now at the Trocadero in London set at £2 per play. I realize that I am quite late in pointing this out, sorry about that. Source

Click to see this in all of it’s glory


  1. dan March 17, 2010 at 5:08 pm - Reply

    anyone got any contact details for rassen ,interesting looking product

  2. editor March 17, 2010 at 6:04 pm - Reply

    we have spoken too their sales team – email me directly and I will supply the details. editor at the stinger report dot com

  3. B.SIABI May 4, 2010 at 3:33 pm - Reply

    Request vulcan-m and terminator price list as an agent for Iran.

  4. B.SIABI May 4, 2010 at 3:39 pm - Reply

    vulcan-m and terminator price

  5. LILIA April 28, 2011 at 10:17 am - Reply

    Hello.Pleas send us the contact detales for russen shooting arcade games machines.

  6. Becky Palamaruk July 12, 2011 at 12:06 pm - Reply

    Do you have a manufacture in the us yet?

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