Stern says Ironman pinball available now UPDATED

Shaggy March 31, 2010 6

This caught me completely by surprise – according to a press release that was just sent out by Stern Pinball, Ironman pinball is now available for purchase. I am surprised by this as I was expecting to see the game in May and not right now, especially where the game wasn’t at Amusement Expo just a couple of weeks ago. But the game is now featured prominently on Stern’s main page so with that and the press release, it looks like you can place an order already. Hopefully the movie studio has provided some content from the upcoming film, all we know at the moment is from the press release:

Iron Man™ Pinball features speech, art, and dot matrix display images of all of your favorite characters, including Tony Stark, Iron Man, Whiplash, War Machine, Rhodey, Iron Monger, Pepper Potts, Black Widow, and many more.  The pinball machine also contains songs from the Iron Man movie score.

As you can also see in the image above, there is a cool mechanism that has Iron Monger rise above the playfield, which reminds me of a feature in the Doctor Who pinball which I saw earlier today when visiting a distributor. For the full press release, hit the break below. (via

UPDATE: Thanks to Bobby’s comments, we find out that it appears that Ironman is a re-themed Austin Powers pinball machine. This means that the two games will be similar in layout, with a couple of minor differences along with completely new artwork and software of course. While this isn’t entirely surprising (Stern recently made a similar move with NBA pinball which was based on the old Space Jam design) I can certainly understand the disappointment for fans, especially if they didn’t like the Austin Powers layout. I also found a video of this on (via

March 29, 2010-Iron Man™ Pinball by Stern Pinball, Inc. provides loads of Super Hero action and adventure.  Iron Man™ Pinball offers non-stop action for home collectors and game operators alike.  Join billionaire industrialist Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man, the metallic Super Hero, on a thrilling action-packed adventure as he battles his enemies.

Created by the game design team at Stern Pinball, Iron Man™ Pinball is based on the Marvel Studios’ blockbuster film, Iron Man, and the highly anticipated Iron Man 2 movie, opening May 7, 2010.  Iron Man™ Pinball is sure to be an especially big hit with fans of the world-renowned Marvel comic book series, animated TV series, and films.

Iron Man™ Pinball features speech, art, and dot matrix display images of all of your favorite characters, including Tony Stark, Iron Man, Whiplash, War Machine, Rhodey, Iron Monger, Pepper Potts, Black Widow, and many more.  The pinball machine also contains songs from the Iron Man movie score.

Pinball players will fight against Whiplash and his ball-catching mechanism, which whips the ball around the playfield. Adding to the challenge is the mechanical War Machine, firing the pinball back to the flippers, and Iron Monger, rising from underneath the playfield to do battle.  Iron Man™ Pinball also features two elevated ramps and lots of multi-ball action!

Gary Stern says, “We’ve had tremendous success with all of our comic book Super Hero movie themed games, and I expect Iron Man™ to be our best.”

To get your Iron Man™ pinball machine, contact your nearest Stern Pinball distributor or retailer.  You can also contact Jim Belt at 1-708-786-7039  or by e-mail at // <![CDATA[// <![CDATA[
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To learn more about Iron Man™, visit  To learn more about Stern Pinball, go to

Iron Man, the Movie © 2008 | Iron Man 2, the Movie: © 2010 Marvel Film Finance LLC.  Iron Man, the Character:  TM & © 2010 Marvel Entertainment, LLC & subs. Super Hero is a co-owned registered trademark.


  1. igo March 31, 2010 at 2:39 am - Reply

    Big Buck Hunter took forever and Iron Man is out just a few weeks after the announcement. Strange.

  2. Bobby March 31, 2010 at 12:28 pm - Reply

    You might want to mention that this is a re-theme of Austin Powers, for those who might think it’s an entirely new game. I know my enthusiasm for Iron Man took a nosedive when I found out.

    • ECM March 31, 2010 at 5:05 pm - Reply

      Since I’ve never so much as seen an AP pin, how is it?

      • Shaggy April 1, 2010 at 1:28 pm - Reply

        ECM, I put a link to Austin Powers pinball up in the post where you can see pictures and ratings of it.

  3. Nick April 1, 2010 at 5:05 am - Reply

    Now we know why it took them no time at all for the game to come out, they just re-themed an old game. I played Austin Powers when it first came out and I hated it and I doubt changing the theme will make the game better. There are a few differences between both games, but I don’t think it’s going to make the game better.

    I really hope they don’t try to re-theme World Poker Tour or High Roller Casino next.

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