More arcade goodness from PAX East (updated with Wil Wheaton)

Shaggy April 3, 2010 2

As I had mentioned a few days ago, we had some more pictures from the PAX East (Boston) event coming up and here they are, thanks to Adam Pfeifer. Most of these are of the ACAM (American Classic Arcade Museum) that was setup at the show which included some pretty rare and fascinating games. He also caught some of the General Computer Corporation panel that was held at the event and a couple of pics of Johnathan Hund playing his creation, Food Fight.

UPDATE: I had forgot to include the pics of Wil Wheaton (you might know him as Wesley Crusher in Star Trek: The Next Generation) at the arcade, they are now there towards the bottom

Hit the break below to check them all out.

Here is a look around the museum before it was packed with players. There were some real rarities to be played here (click on the images to enlarge)

Some pics from when the place was open to the players. Whenever I see anything Spy Hunter related that theme-song automatically starts playing in my head, I wonder if I should have that checked? 🙂 This just shows that every video game-related show should have an arcade on-hand. That would be especially helpful if some modern arcades could be placed at these events too, just to raise “arcade awareness”.

The General Computer Corporation panel. We have covered a little bit of their history before but to help you know who it is here, Adam included some information:

“The panelists are former employees of General Computer Corporation in Cambridge, MA. GCC was involved in game development, and between 1981-1984, they designed products that created over $750 million in revenue for Midway and Atari. Some of those products include the Ms. Pac-Man arcade game and the hardware for the Atari 7800 console.”

Panel guests are:

Steve Golson (Super Missile Attack, Crazy Otto, Ms. Pac-Man, Atari 7800)
Mike Horowitz (Crazy Otto, Ms. Pac-Man)
Jonathan Hurd (Food Fight)
Tim Hoskins (Jr. Pac-Man)
Tom Westberg (Jr. Pac-Man, Atari, other arcade)
Kevin Osborn (Atari 2600/7800 games)

Here is  Johnathan Hund of GCC playing his game, Food Fight.
Sorry about missing these the first time around but here are pics of Wil Wheaton hanging out at the arcade:
Again, many thanks to Adam Pfeifer for the pictures!


  1. Nick April 6, 2010 at 2:51 am - Reply

    I just would like to ask permission if I could please use the pictures of Wil Wheaton playing Sinistar. My friend and I visited FunSpot a week before PAX and we played that very machine, so I think it would be cool to see it included with the video.

    Also, we finished up our videos of Us Vs. Them when it debuted at last year’s FunSpot tournament. Took a while, but it’s finally up and you can see some more gameplay footage.



    • Shaggy April 6, 2010 at 3:00 am - Reply

      Thanks for asking, that would be fine. I’ll check out that video of yours too. 🙂

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