Sega location testing Let's Go Island at Club Sega in Akihabara

Shaggy April 10, 2010 2

The only disappointment I had at Amusement Expo this year was I went in expecting to see an actual cabinet of the new Sega shooter Let’s Go Island and instead they only had a video preview of the game running on a screen there. The same thing happened at EAG so we’ve all been wondering when an actual cabinet of the game would be showing up. Sega has finally unveiled the new game at their new Club Sega entertainment venue in Akihabara Japan and while there is no video I can find of the game in action yet, AM-Net’s blog happens to have the first picture of the motion cabinet in all of it’s glory. The technology they are using for this looks just like what they are using on their new Hummer Mini-Motion cabinet (which we saw at Amusement Expo) and Kevin Williams of the Stinger Report has already pointed out that the game reminds him a  lot of Sega’s old Rail Chase arcade title. No word on a release date just yet but if the game is this far along then I imagine that we’ll be seeing it come out this fall sometime worldwide.

For previous Let’s Go Island coverage you can see here (Amusement Expo); (some game details) (EAG) (Game announcement)


  1. Bowlplex April 12, 2010 at 12:16 pm - Reply

    Not sure we’ll be getting a motion cabinet over here in Europe.

    • Arcades4ever November 10, 2010 at 8:51 am - Reply

      I’m pretty confident we’ll get the motion cabinet here in Europe. We got dead storm pirates moving cabinet so we’ll surely get the motion for LGI as well 🙂

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