Cabinet options: standard, deluxe, Lego (?!)

HeavyElectricity May 19, 2010 1

This is the kind of story I always love to see, as it shows the ingenuity of arcade fans. Lego enthusiast Ben Fleskes has done some pretty cool things in the past – a multitude of train models, the USS constitution and the Millennium Falcon. But he’s come to our attention this week by doing something extremely awesome, by putting together a fully functional tabletop arcade cabinet. As you can see, the cabinet has a Pac-Man marquee and side-art, and it runs a 48-in-1 JAMMA board with many 80s classics. Check out the video below, and then check out the link for more information.

[Lego table top arcade game] [Discuss on the forums]

One Comment »

  1. Opony May 27, 2010 at 10:32 am - Reply

    cool machine, i love Pacman, lego design is super:)

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