New I-WAY racing simulator arcade in France

Shaggy June 14, 2010 5

Newsfeed 830 via

If you love racing simulators and you ever happen to be passing through Lyons, France (or if you live nearby) then a new business that recently opened it’s doors there will certainly hold appear for you. Called I-WAY, the pace has be under construction for the past four years and offers more than racing simulators although the simulators are the primary attraction for spending your hard earned cash there. With 18 6-axis simulators built around full-sized “Formula 1, rally/touring and endurance race cars” you will be spending quite a bit a of cash for the experience, with a single race starting at a mere €60 (or about $73.25USD; I am being facetious when I say “mere” here). You can also get a racing package with ten races for ‘only’ €630, so save up before you head in. At the very least with the quality of simulators that they appear to have, you know that you are going to get a high quality experience out the it.

[Via OhGizmo!]


  1. Oldtimery June 15, 2010 at 7:53 am - Reply

    Awesome thing, this is near my country:)

  2. Celestein June 15, 2010 at 4:36 pm - Reply

    Little on the pricey side, i’m an avid sim racer and am considering buying/building at least one station with this type of tech…

    $73 a race is a fucking rip off, even at $50-100k to build them, assuming a medium of $80,000~ per station, they’d be paid off in a year just being played three times a day…since a race only lasts 3-10 minutes I think they’d be better lowering their prices to $10-$20 just so the machines stay full.

    Maybe I’m wrong, but sounds like they’re pricing themselves out of business, I’m a well off simmer who would play all day at $10, $73 and I won’t even bother coming in.

    At that price range you can start thinking about taking courses in actual racing, or building your own.

    • Da FONZ June 15, 2010 at 8:21 pm - Reply

      I have to agree the price range is unrealistic in today’s economy.

      • Marine June 16, 2010 at 7:57 am - Reply

        Hi there,
        I don’t know if you notice that the simulators we are talking about are true cars. This is not just a screen we are moving in 3 D.
        This is a world exclusive and the technology is coming from the aviation industry. As you can see on the press release the investment for the 18 simulators are 6 million Euros. That may explain the price of a race. For information, a race lasts 10 to 13 minutes and it costs if you come with 5 friends 45 Euros.

  3. Celestein June 17, 2010 at 9:24 am - Reply

    If the 45-60euro cost is for 5 people, that is much more reasonable and something I’d actually look up next time I’m in France.

    Article made it sound like 60euro per person for one race.

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