Sky Troopers: Air Strike's Chinese clone

Shaggy August 9, 2010 1

Newsfeed 898 via

There was a time when clones or bootlegs in the arcade industry were very common. They still are out there to some degree and today we have a shining example of a blatant rip-off. If you take a look on this Chinese game distribution website, there’s a new game on that page which the translator calls Air Raid 2010 but the cabinet says Sky Troopers 2010. It’s a vertically scrolling helicopter game with a yoke controller, a motion base and it oddly has an infrared sensor net around the monitor that you only see on LCD light-gun games. There appear to be two cabinet designs for this as on the same webpage that shows the image above has some live pictures of a different cabinet under the same name. As you look at these other pictures, Sky Troopers looks like an exact replica of Tsunami’s Air Strike(2002), perhaps with some enhancements to the graphics for the monitor in use. I’m sure that Tsunami might be interested to know about this clone – at least the creators of Sky Troopers went to the length to create a new controller for the game but that still doesn’t change the actual game to avoid possible legal issues in doing such a thing since the software itself appears to have not been changed.

It’s too bad really as a new helicopter game with a yoke controller like the one seen above could be exciting.

One Comment »

  1. Bowlplex August 11, 2010 at 10:11 pm - Reply

    That’s a Tokyo Cop back end, so it’s either a photoshop or they’ve copied/licensed the motion technology.

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