Back in June 2009 a story swarmed the internet of the creation of “The Museum of Soviet Arcade Games“. These games from the 70’s and early 80’s were completely unknown in the Western world until news of this broke. When the story first broke they didn’t have a lot of information on the games but since then they have updated the museum’s website and you can even play Flash-based versions of the games. But that’s not the the same as playing the games in person, as it is with all real coin-op games. A blogger by the name of Connel at A Dangerous Business blog had a chance to visit the museum with his wife to check out the games, complete with an in-depth description of every game as well as the atmosphere leading up to and inside of the museum. There are more original games there than had been talked about when the museum first game to light and it’s well-worth the read. Some of the games like the mechanical Basketball game(with 15 buttons per player!), a “turnip pulling” game by the name of Pepka Silomer and the bowling variation Gorodki would be worth the $10 admission fee to play, let alone getting a chance to glimpse the nausea-inducing communal soda machine.
Read all about it at A Dangerous Business
i have the game russian attack works its a quorter game if interested