New arcade open in Austin, TX – Pinballz Arcade

arcadehero November 23, 2010 1

This past Saturday a new entertainment venue opened up in Austin, Texas called Pinballz Arcade. As the name implies, they have a strong focus on pinball gaming (although it’s not the sole part of it – more on that in a moment) with over 75 pinball machines setup to play. That selection includes titles as from as far back as 1966 (Hula Hula) to this year (Ironman) and features some of the most popular pinball machines to ever grace the market with titles like The Addams Family, Black Knight, Medieval Madness, Pinbot, Star Trek: The Next Generation and more. They also have redemption titles (both ticket and instant), skeeball, air hockey, foosball, darts, touch screen games and of course, video arcades.

Click to enlarge

The video selection is pretty good, it’s heavy on the classics (there a a couple of Arcade Legends multi-game cabinets, Galaga, Donkey Kong Jr., Pac-Man, etc.)but there are a few somewhat newer titles on the list as well. I’m not sure if the Terminator they have listed is Terminator 2 or Terminator Salvation (It’s a Terminator 2); there are a few fighters such as all four Mortal Kombat arcade titles, Marvel Vs Capcom 2, Tekken 5 and more; drivers like Crazy Taxi, Rush 2049, Hydro Thunder and Cruisn’; they even have a Virtua On 2. With 13,000 sq. ft they have a lot of space to fill and while there aren’t any pictures of the facility that I can find yet, I wouldn’t be surprised if they had more space to fill at that size.

You can read more about Pinballz Arcade by visiting their website; they also are looking for someone to fill in a full-time position there, so that’s an extra bonus if you live nearby. We welcome them to the operator fold and wish them the best of luck in their business.

UPDATE: Thanks to Javier in the comments, a link to a thread on that has several pictures from Pinballz. Based on the size of the place from these pictures I would saw they have a great chance at rivaling Funspot.

One Comment »

  1. javier saldana November 24, 2010 at 8:04 am - Reply

    a link to racketboy thread. pics of the place

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