Pac-Man Battle Royale now shipping

arcadehero January 12, 2011 8

When Namco was revealing the different ways in which they celebrated Pac-Man’s 30th anniversary last year, no one product they revealed was more surprising than Pac-Man Battle Royale. We first got a chance to play the game at Amusement Expo 2010 in Las Vegas in March, and a few months later others in the gaming community got a chance to check the game out when it made an appearance at e3 and after that the game held some very public location tests. While the game was delayed slightly, all signs were that the game would still see the light of day in public.

Now, if you’ve been patiently waiting to play PMBR, you may soon find one near you as the game is now available and shipping. In case you want to read more details about the game, you can check out our dedicated page on the game that I recently created. I am adding these to the site for many new games, so expect to see more in the near future. I also have moved this into the ‘Already Released’ column on our New Games Watch page, where it’s the first arcade game of the new year to get a release. As for finding one near you, I would keep an eye on Aurcade or ArcadeFly and see if a location near you adds the game to their roster.

One of our advertisers, BMI Gaming gave us the tip about it and you can see a listing for the game there(scroll down about halfway), where they have it at a price that is well below what we originally expected. It’s a great price to see on a new game and that means that the chances of finding one in the wild should be even greater.

UPDATE: I almost forgot to mention that BMI also said that the coin-op version of Pac-Man’s Arcade Party will be shipping soon as well. The version that was released after IAAPA was for home-use only, something that was made for home collectors.


  1. Joe January 13, 2011 at 1:31 am - Reply


    I know BMI has a huge banner on this site, but does anyone know of a distributor on the west coast of the US who would carry this?

    Thinking about buying it for *cough*a friend’s arcade*cough*

    • arcadehero January 13, 2011 at 7:12 am - Reply

      If you mean California I’m not exactly sure – I know a big distributor recently closed out there. Some distributors like BMI can sell to the West Coast as well; Betson or Mountain Coin might be be able to ship there but I don’t know for sure.

    • ArcadeGuy January 13, 2011 at 2:08 pm - Reply says it ships to over 90 countries, as well as home users, so shipping to CA certainly should not be a stretch for them – And as this is a brand new item, all shipments would be coming out of the Namco factory in Chicago I believe. There was C.A. Robinson out your way, but they closed for business recently. Betson might also be able to help, but their prices kinda run on the high side for 1-2 piece orders.

      • Joe January 17, 2011 at 11:04 am - Reply

        Thanks for the tips, guys.

        My reason for wanting to deal locally was to avoid having to deal with shipping headaches. I’ve had a lot of those before. When you consider no tax vs shipping, it’s a wash, and given my previous experiences with shipping/receiving cabs, well, let’s just say I’d feel better going to get it myself.

        I was quoted ~$5000 shipped and the cab would ship from Chicago.

  2. editor January 13, 2011 at 1:25 pm - Reply

    Is it me or is there a number of key story titles that gets the most interest?

    • arcadehero January 13, 2011 at 1:56 pm - Reply

      The past few days have been interesting in that regard. I was amazed by how much attention the Pinball Wizard Arcade story got – it brought in thousands of hits. But when Ive’ reported about other arcades opening recently, they got very little attention.

  3. igo January 13, 2011 at 5:49 pm - Reply

    A good game to kick off the 2011 games!

    • arcadehero January 13, 2011 at 5:56 pm - Reply

      I have a good feeling about the games coming along this year. There is certainly a lot to look forward to!

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