Yu Suzuki talks about his days making arcades games and more

arcadehero February 11, 2011 1

Newsfeed 1000 via The Stinger Report

Before getting to the story below, I just want to take a moment to recognize that this is the 1,000th newsfeed provided to us by The Stinger Report. Thanks to their newsfeeds and amusement industry expertise, they have helped make this site what it is and we are truly grateful for TSR’s support and friendship. They write an industry newsletter that I would recommend you subscribe to if you haven’t already, it’s free so check it out!

Now onto the story. He may not make arcade games anymore but his mark upon the industry is something that is still influential to this day. That man is Yu Suzuki, creator of many Sega classics such as Hang-On, Space Harrier, Out Run, Virtua Fighter/Racing/Cop, Daytona USA,  and others. Most recently he was credited on Sega Race TV, which came out in 2008. Word is now spreading around the internet of Mr. Suzuki receiving an award this coming week at the Game Developers Choice Awards as he is honored as a video game industry pioneer and as a bonus for Suzuki news, 1up.com has a lengthy interview with him, discussing his early days creating new games and new hardware for them to run on that provides insight into the process and he has some very good thing to say about arcades themselves and where they can stand-out from consoles. Part 1 of the interview deals primarily with the arcade stuff while part 2 dives more into console-related talk, both of which you can visit by clicking on the links below.

[The Disappearance of Yu Suzuki – Part 1 / Part 2]

One Comment »

  1. editor February 11, 2011 at 4:53 pm - Reply

    Can I just add my thanks to the team at Arcade Heroes for all their hard efforts – and for taking our poor Newsfeeds and turning them into informative posts.

    On a side note – I had the pleasure to work with Suzuki-san in another life and I was very unhappy when he was sidelined by the new Sammy/SEGA executive team – seems from the article he has still a lot to offer… if they will let him! (especially now arcade is a core profit center again for them).

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