Pile ‘O Links: Arcade Dominator, Interactive Billboards & Babycastles

arcadehero June 7, 2011 2

I’ve had a few items of news I’ve been meaning to get to but didn’t find the time yesterday. So it’s another all-in-one post.

I’ll start with the BabyCastles Arcade first. We’ve discussed what it is before and here’s a link to Engadget where they take a look at it. (Thanks to David Young for the tip)

Stinger Newsfeed 1050 – Sometimes home video game companies find that providing an Out-Of-Home Entertainment experience of their game is more effective than other means of marketing. Such is the case with the Child of Eden Experience in London.

Next is Stinger Report Newsfeed  1051. McDonalds has created an interactive billboard, where users with a smartphone can play to win a digital coupon. It’s an innovative idea, yet another idea to file under the “Why Coin-Op Arcades Should Be Using Smartphone Connectivity To Reward Players And Drive Further Play”. Here’s a video of the billboard in action. Via DigitalBuzzBlog

And last but certainly not least, a fun video called Arcade Dominator. You might have seen videos from these guys before as they have made many amusing videos you can see on Youtube. Today, they tackle the arcade and the skill it takes to dominate them. All you have to do is pull that stuff off when people are watching and you become an Arcade Hero 😉 (Thanks to Aaron Auzins for the tip)


  1. 60Hz June 7, 2011 at 10:14 am - Reply

    Ha – great vids… that mcdonalds stuff is pretty crazy.

  2. igo June 12, 2011 at 3:23 pm - Reply

    I like the idea of smart phone connectivity. Fruit ninja would be a good one since they have a phone app and an arcade machine.

    Even showing local high scores and the nearest arcade with the game would be beneficial (I think big buck hunter did this).

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