Arcades from Asian Attractions Expo 2011

arcadehero June 29, 2011 5

Newsfeed 1066 via The Stinger Report

Last week the IAAPA organization held their most recent event, the Asian Attractions Expo 2011 in Singapore. IAAPA Expos are an opportunity for pretty much any out-of-home entertainment company to showcase their latest ideas they have or will have for sale for venues to get their hands on (provided they have the capital to do so). According to the IAAPA’s press release I received about the event, they had this to say about it: “A record-breaking trade show floor, sold-out special events, packed education sessions, and a strong turnout from serious buyers marked the continued growth and success of Asian Attractions Expo”. The presence of arcade titles appears to be much lighter than the US IAAPA Expo that takes place every November and thanks to David Liu, we can get a look at what was there, including some head-scratching games like Killzone 3 and Dance Hero, where it doesn’t take a wild guess to indicate how authorized they really are.

Unfortunately there isn’t anything really groundbreaking to talk about – no new games from any well-known companies that we haven’t seen before. Such as Golden Tee 2011, Super Bikes 2, Crazy Speed Arcade, etc. No sense in wasting space on showing these again since we’ve seen them a bunch of times already.

So let’s look at some console games running in cabinets that shouldn’t be there, at the Cosmic Animation Entertainment booth. I’m sure Konami would appreciate knowing that someone has already went to the trouble of making an arcade version of their Kinect game which they already had been considering(and then send in their lawyers after them). As Bacon points out, it’s Dance Central from Harmonix in there, not Konami’s game.  Correct me if I’m wrong but these cabinets look a lot like Sega Rambo DLX cabinets too.  I understand that having the resources to manufacture something is different that having the resources to develop software but it’s still no excuse for ripping off other people’s content and then trying to sell it. There is so much that can be done in arcades that I find it borderline offensive to see time and resources being wasted on garbage like this.


Well there were some new games there but nothing to get excited about. Such as Speeder Max by Xiongye.

Oh look, a Sonic Blast Heroes clone

That Live Park 4D thing we discussed yesterday was there

The Max Rider 4D Experience

Penguin Paradise. We’ve seen games like this before but from this pictures it’s impossible to tell if it’s original content or not.

A fancy golf simulator

There are many more pictures at David Liu’s album from the Expo, if you are interested they can be seen here


  1. bacon June 29, 2011 at 9:27 am - Reply

    that Dance Hero bootleg is running Dance Central from Harmonix. Konami’s Kinetic dance game is DanceMasters.

  2. holdyocolour June 30, 2011 at 7:44 am - Reply

    A killzone 3 arcade machine?! OMGZORRO! I JIZZED MY PANTS!

  3. Crabby June 30, 2011 at 9:17 am - Reply

    The KillZone 3 looks like a total illegal bootleg……. In the images you can even see the PS3 MOVE camera sitting on top of the cabinet. One word: LAME………………

    This is the best they can do? If you are going to pirate so shamefully and unprofessionally then why bother????? This looks like a hacked up disaster and it is obvious Chinese IP laws have a very LONG way to go…….

    Ever notice that Chinese made games can’t really compete internationally both on a technical and game play level? This is related to pirating in some respects. If all you ever do is sit around doing substandard hacks\pirates\copies of better more competitive foreign products, then you never fully develop your own domestic industry. This is the stalemate that China finds itself in right now. They have the ability to copy but can’t seem to take it to the next level. ie. Make their own unique internationally competitive and technologically advanced products.

    So while holdyocolour is totally impressed, I am laughing at how pathetic this attempt at an “arcade game” really is.

  4. editor July 1, 2011 at 11:17 am - Reply

    Its clear that this Chinese show (and the other smaller one a few days later) were just full of these type of illegal-boxes. There was even a Angry Birds game there.

    The question has to be as this is a IAAPA trade show will they continue to allow these games to be exhibited?

    • arcadehero July 1, 2011 at 11:54 am - Reply

      The Angry Birds cabinet was only a matter of time. We need a picture of that 🙂

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