Build your own virtual arcade with Insane Arcade

arcadehero August 16, 2011 4

Deviating from our normally stringent way of talking about coin-op arcade software is something related to that. On our Facebook page, Poom Chompoosri, posted a link to a new game called Insane Arcade. It’s being developed for the iPhone now and eventually will get an Android port. The point of this game:

Insane Arcade is a Freemium iOS game that challenges players to build their very own Arcade from the ground up!  With access to hundreds of unique Machines, players can truly build an Arcade they can call their own, expand outward and build multiple Arcades at different locations!

So if you’ve wanted to get a taste of what it’s like to be an arcade operator (without actually risking thousands of dollars in real money and going through all of the fun legal stuff to get a business started and running, etc.) this looks like a neat game that could be a lot of fun.They actually have been creating machines to put in the game based upon recent coin-op arcade releases such as Wheel of Fortune and Aliens: Extermination.

They are currently seeking funding through the Kickstarter funding platform, an increasingly popular way to raise cash to bring projects to life. So far they have only raised $378 of their $15,000 goal and with 22 days left they have a long way to go. If you donate, you gain codes to unlock levels and features from the beginning, giving you a head start in the game.

[Insane Arcade @]



  1. ThatPoom August 16, 2011 at 9:00 am - Reply

    I want to see it comes to life, though I doubt it will. The project is too far from its goal 🙁

    • arcadehero August 16, 2011 at 11:29 am - Reply

      Since we posted a couple of backers have been added, including one that did a $200 donation, so who knows but they are quit a long way from the goal.

  2. Joe Heitzman August 17, 2011 at 10:46 am - Reply

    Thanks for the article. I want to assure everyone that even though we are far from our goal we are committed to creating this game. Just keep sharing it around! Thanks!

  3. Imran August 22, 2011 at 12:54 am - Reply

    Looks like a great game, thanks for the post. Also I stumbled upon something else that may be of interest to everyone here:

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