A few weeks ago I mentioned that we had some changes planned for a new look to Arcade Heroes – and yesterday the designer Gerard MacNeil rolled it out, as you can see. It might take a little getting used to – all new posts are shown in the changing box area near the top and then the five more recent posts listed down the left and then other recent posts in the center. Access to other information is around the right.
There is more we want to do but it would happen quicker with some help – which is why we asked for donations a few weeks ago. You can still donate and it doesn’t have to be much, just a few bucks. There are some very cool things we can do with the site so please help us out!
Likewise, please let us know what you think! And if anyone would like to submit an idea for a new logo, feel free to click on “Contact Us” above to get a hold of me about that.
Looking good!
Great work in progress – we want more!
Happy New Year to all ArcadeHeroes followers.
This is just the beginning. Brand New Arcade Hero community coming soon!
looks clean!
Nice update to the site. Keep up the great work !
I dig it!