Heighway Pinball Unveils Alien Pinball Whitewood

arcadehero February 20, 2015 1

In the pinball business, the “whitewood” is a way of saying that the game is in a prototype/alpha build state. These are done with every game so that adjustments can be made on the play before ending up with the art and lighting package. If a game is going to ‘feel right’ in a whitewood form, then chances are you are going to have a fun game once everything else is added.

We have known that UK Pinball maker Heighway Games has a new Alien Pinball game on the release roster but we have not seen much about it until today. They also have a very ambitious release date set for April – given that is about a month away it will be interesting to see if they hit that or not. Their first wide release was Full Throttle pinball, which started shipping last month.

Here is the first look at the whitewood for Alien Pinball. It does not have the cutout for the LCD monitor which will be located above the flippers as it is in Full Throttle; no toys or rules, etc.

There will be numerous assets from the Alien movies in the game and they are looking at letting you pick your movie first then going from there. For other confirmed features we can expect:

The widebody game, currently in development, features

  • 4 Flippers
  • Alien Xenomorph Models
  • Facehuggers
  • Chest Bursters
  • Space Jockey
  • Pulse Rifle Gunfights
  • Robot Sentries
  • + Much Much More!!

They also will release a 35th Anniversary edition featuring different artwork a shaker motor, Fiber Optic ramp lighting and a few other things to make it more collectible. Here are some prototype renders of how the game is shaping up:





Heighway has stated before that playfields will be interchangable using their cabinet design so if that holds true, one could have both Full Throttle and Alien to switch out if you so desire. Fingers crossed this hits the intended release but unlike some other new companies out there, Heighway has at least proven that they can build and ship games.

[Heighway Pinball Website]

One Comment »

  1. Azrial February 20, 2015 at 3:10 pm - Reply

    It’s good to see that it is indeed based on actual Alien movie assets. I wasn’t sure if it was going to be for awhile. Awesome news!

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