Newsbytes: Arcade Game Cards Database; Secret Life of Components; Cardboard Arcade;More

arcadehero February 27, 2021 0

Welcome to Newsbytes, a collection of quick news items from around the world of amusement for your weekend reading pleasure. This week was the busiest of the shortened month for arcade news, and March is generally a little busier, although we won’t have Amusement Expo to provide any kind of boost in that regard.

Arcade Card Game Database

Over the years, there have been many cards designed for saving data across games. Most of these systems have come from Japan, although once in a while other non-JP companies came up with such systems. No one has bothered to track these cards (as far as I know) until now, where Namer Merli has created a Google Spreadsheet that lists out all known cards, with a photo, year, company that made it, the type, the game, and any extra info needed. It’s still a WIP and you can contribute to it if you’d like.

Looking through it, Sega & Bandai Namco certainly made a lot more cards than I realized – if you have info to share, be sure to contribute! I’ll have to upload the US Banapassport card used for Maximum Tune 5…although I’m guessing he doesn’t want to track all of the redemption cards that can be found on games like Injustice/Marvel/Star Trek/ etc (That would probably be a project for a different sheet to handle).

InitialD: The Arcade Released

I’ve mentioned it before, but this week was the day where Sega launched the latest InitialD piece, InitialD: The Arcade to Japan. Here’s a cab image:

Next Week: The Secret Life of Components Video Series

We have mentioned creator Tim Hunkin before – he operates a couple of locations in the UK that are wholly focused on electro-mechanical games that he created himself. He recently became inspired to create a video series that gets into the nitty-gritty of what makes a lot of arcade components work. Something about it reminds me of the UK series Connections (an old one from the 1970s) Here’s a teaser of the series – I know I’ll be watching it when it rolls out next week – Then maybe I’ll finally get off my butt and make an EM piece:

StepManiaX February Update

All for free for existing units, per usual:

Dark Presence Finally Ready?

Sounds like it is per Doc Mack. Once this gets released I think it’ll take the cake for the longest in-development arcade game in history 😛

Oriental Trading Offering A Full-Sized Cardboard Arcade

It’s possible that they’ve had this for a while, but I just found out about it today. We’ve covered plenty of arcade replicas before, made out of paper, cardstock, or plastic, but in all these years I don’t recall coming across something like this. I guess it’s one way to have an arcade in your home…although this being Oriental Trading, it’s meant to be something that arcades can offer at their prize desks, or as a prop. It isn’t cheap, but at least it’s a heck of a lot easier to move than the real thing.

Cardboard arcade

GoSato Comes To Mikado Arcade For A Concert

Arcades in Tokyo are unable to be open right now, causing them to try and weather things out again. Mikado Arcade is doing so by working with local musicians to hold virtual concerts. Here is video of GoSato (who is one of the artists working on the Raiden IV x Mikado update) jamming out:

Checking Out The Ghosts ‘N Goblins Reboot

I case you were curious to see how this reimagining arcade classic fares on its sole home of consoles, check this video. Keep in mind that if you want modern GnG action in coin-op, there is Super Battle Princess Madelyn to bring it back!

More Headlines

Interview With Martin Hjerne Regarding His Arcade-Style Game GravitreX

Anon. Donor Puts The Pinball Hall of Fame Over-The-Top Of Their Goal

Famous UK Seaside Amusement Park Sold

Bandai Namco Amusements Europe Goes Digital With Their Catalogue

Fan Hack Of Tatsujin Ou Adds Some Gameplay Improvements

I Have No Clue What The Dogecoin Is(sounds like a joke), But ArkRetrocade Now Takes It

Arcade Archive Additions: Legend of Makai & Crime Fighters; Guerilla War

Playing The Upcoming Arcade Beat ’em Up Jitsu Squad (In case you missed it this week)


Now that we’re at the end, I always try and end with something fun, so this should do.

That’s all for now, have a great weekend and end to your February!

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