I mentioned on the last newsbytes that there was some stuff to discuss about a boutique pinball maker by the name of Pinball Adventures, but on top of that there was someinth
Punny Factory 2520 Now Available For Order
Way back in 2021 I heard (and mentioned) about another newcomer into the pinball space, a Canadian company called Pinball Adventures. They have had several designs listed on their website but there has been no release to speak of on any one of them…until now. The company posted a few videos to their channel after a bit of a hiatus, the first being the Punny Factory trailer:
When I use the word boutique, it’s no joke – this game is limited in production to 112 units, with 30 already sold (the shop where you can buy mentions that the special engraved version is sold out, but there were only 12 of those). If you are curious for more details on this one, check out the official page, it has some interesting things about it, including artwork inside of the cabinet (under the playfield).
They also posted a couple of trailers for what should be their second game, Elements. I don’t know how long it might be before they get this one rolling off the line, but I would assume it won’t happen until they fill all of the orders for Punny Factory. This trailer seems to be the better of the two so here you go:
Haggis Pinball
This post would have just been about Pinball adventures but yesterday, Australia-based Haggis posted this update about their games. Fathom will be finished production by the end of the year, then they’ll be producing more Celts. They will also announce their next game in a few months. I’ll let you watch the video for the other days in case you are interested.
I haven’t seen any other boutique pinball updates that haven’t been mentioned around here recently, so that should get you up to date.
What are your thoughts on these new games? Is it the kind of thing that you would grab?