Sega »

Sega @ ATEI 2007 – Part 2 – Gun Games

Sega @ ATEI 2007 – Part 2 – Gun Games

Twisted Supreme January 29, 2007 0

Once again Sega have far too many games to cover, so now I’m going to plough through thier gun games. Probably the most unique one of the show was Too Spicy or “2 spicy” depending

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Sega @ ATEI – Part 1 – Driving & Flying

Sega @ ATEI – Part 1 – Driving & Flying

Twisted Supreme January 27, 2007 0

  Seeing as Sega had an extremely large stand, the biggest at the show if I’m not mistaken, I thought I would break up thier new arcade offerings in to genres, starting with driving

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ATEI 2007 – Part 1 of many

ATEI 2007 – Part 1 of many

Twisted Supreme January 26, 2007 0

So, the ATEI, how was it? Well it was pretty immense. From the moment I stepped out of Earls Court station I was greeted by a ginormous Sega billboard, as well as the Earls

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Snowmobile Advertising – It's the Future!

Snowmobile Advertising – It's the Future!

Twisted Supreme January 19, 2007 0

Now this is some crazy advertising. Brian Ashcraft from Kotaku writes; In its infinite wisdom, Sega is rolling out a Love and Berry snowmobile at a Nagano Prefecture ski and hot springs resort. It will be

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Sega wants to massage your feet!?

Sega wants to massage your feet!?

Twisted Supreme January 11, 2007 0

Found this bizzare Sega creation over at UK Resistance Dear UKR, there is a Sega arcade in Shibuya that has this bizarro Sega-made foot massage machine called Ashipuri. You insert your money, stick your

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Sega ATEI Line Up 2007

Sega ATEI Line Up 2007

Twisted Supreme January 9, 2007 4

With the ATEI at Earls Court fastly approaching I thought I scourer the web for any press releases. First up we have Sega Amusements Europe’s press release, look out for more soon.                                           Sega Amusements Europe

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Uber Monster Collection

Uber Monster Collection

Twisted Supreme January 2, 2007 0

I knew I shouldn’t have spent all my Christmas money at once! There is no way my girlfriend would let me get away with buying this, yet I’m compelled to bid on this monster collection. Even if

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Sega Quiz game on test.

Sega Quiz game on test.

Twisted Supreme December 18, 2006 1

Everyones seems to be getting in on the whole quiz / brain training craze at the moment. Sega have just recently put on test a quiz game called “Answer x Answer” in an Akihabara  arcade. Hit

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2 Spicy for me!

2 Spicy for me!

Twisted Supreme December 6, 2006 0

  The title may sound like a stupid pop song, but Sega’s arcade title 2 SPICY looks like major kick assage. Say what you’ll want about Sega, but the company still believes in Japanese

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It's a Boo Bash!

It's a Boo Bash!

arcadeheaven December 5, 2006 0

Spotted a mysterious new game from Sega on test in Japan. The Google Translation of the page follows (Be warned, the English is not great):  “It seems that is done from yesterday. As for frame,

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WCCF 05-06 is here!

WCCF 05-06 is here!

Twisted Supreme December 5, 2006 8

It’s here at last, one of my current arcade favourites WCCF is currently being updated around the country and they have just updated my local one in Croydon. For anyone who is unfamiliar with

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Want Sega Rally? They don’t come cheap!

Want Sega Rally? They don’t come cheap!

Twisted Supreme December 4, 2006 0

Amazing that after all these years, over a decade in fact, buying one of these will still set you back a few quid, £1600 on (an old and defunct) ebay link to be precise. One

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