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Varied News of The Day: Atari Book Out Now; Rusty Quarters Month Long Event; Pac-Man Moons
Here are some various news bits that are related to arcades and interesting enough to talk about. »
New Footage Of NG:DEV TEAM’s NEO XYX
Independent developer NG:DEV TEAM has just released this footage of their latest creation, NEO XYX which is being developed for the Neo Geo MVS arcade hardware among other “dead” platforms. I always find charm in developments like this, although moreso on indie developments of older unique game hardware as opposed to PC or currently »
Results From The Big Buck World Championship 2012
Check out some results and pictures of the recent Big Buck World Championship 2012 event. »
IAAPA 2012 Pictures Batch #3
With IAAPA 2012 being the huge show that it is, we have more to share about it, here is another picture post to wrap up the show. PREVIOUS COVERAGE: PHOTOS PART 1 / PART 2 ; VIDEOS PART 1 / PART 2 Animal Kaiser – I had already posted a picture of Sega’s Hero »
IAAPA 2012 Show Floor Pictures Batch #2
With today being the first day of the IAAPA 2012 trade show for for me, I had plenty of products to decide to look at and of course, not enough time to try it all. Fortunately I will have tomorrow to hopefully get my hands on everything that I will need to. Here are »
Monday News Round-Up: Wreck-It Ralph, Arcade Hero Essay, Hurricane Sandy Aftermath
I hope that everyone had a good weekend, here is a beginning of the week news round-up for you. Just a reminder here that next week is IAAPA, a time where we will get a flood of information flowing here on new games seen at the show. First, Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph made it’s theatrical »
Happy Halloween – Let’s Look at Vampire!
Well today is Halloween, with costumes and candy aplenty to go around. There are no lack of arcade games that have a Halloween edge to them, on Facebook I asked what your favorite games to play on Halloween are and there were plenty of games you brought up in that regard. We also have »
The Kong Off II Headed to Denver, CO
While interest in competing for the top score on Nintendo’s Donkey Kong arcade game has existed well before the documentary The King of Kong came along, after that found success interest in competing for the score has only increased. Last year in March, a special competition was held called the Kong Off that brought »
Interview: Patrick Michael From Sega Amusements Talks Dream Raiders
Not long ago, Sega Amusements unveiled the latest arcade title in their line-up called Dream Raiders. We will be getting some hands-on time with the game in about a month when it makes an appearance at the IAAPA 2012 trade show in Orlando, FL. I wanted to find out more about the game before »
Winter X Games Snocross Arcade Begins Production Monday
UPDATE: Here’s the first pic of the production models: For those interested in checking out the latest title from Raw Thrills, one that combines Super Bikes 2 and Arctic Thunder into one, under the Winter X Games ESPN license, then it won’t be long until that game might show up in an arcade near »
Location News: 2nd Round 1 Facility Opens in CA; New UltraStar Cinema in AZ
Here is some news about two new locations out there although unfortunately details on exact game selection and photos for both is in very short supply at present. I offer up what I have been able to figure out so far and yes, these thumbnail pictures are the best I can find on each »
Houston Arcade & Pinball Expo Coming Nov. 2nd & 3rd
For any arcaders in or near the Houston area, there is an arcade expo headed your way in about three weeks. It is the annual Houston Arcade & Pinball Expo and in addition to a sizable area with both arcade and pinball games on free play, it will also offer an opportunity for collectors »