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IT unveils more details on Golden Tee 2010
We mentioned not too long ago that Incredible Technologies would be ramping up to deliver their most recent Golden Tee creation to the public and with that date fast approaching, they have begun to unload the details on what will make GT2010 different from past GT games. Skins makes a comeback, Jim Nantz and »
Sega Republic opens its doors at the Dubai Mall
If you are an arcade or Sega fan and you are headed to Dubai for some reason then you have a new attraction to check out while there, Sega’s new indoor theme-park called the Sega Republic. SR has 76,000 sq. ft. of entertainment goodness that is divided amongst five themed zones such as “Speed, »
Sega debuting MLB Card Gen at AMOA 2009 (updated)
It looks like Sega is ready to try out coin-op card video gaming again in the US as they have announced that they will be debuting their Sega Card Gen title which features an MLB (Major League Baseball) license. Here are some more details from the press release: Sega Card Gen is a unique »
Heat Up Hockey adds a new dimension to air hockey
Of all the games I have purchased for my own arcade, one of the best investments I made was in an air hockey table. While I didn’t get anything fancy, I did get something that worked and people of all ages love it. When visiting arcade shows like ASI and AMOA, you can find »
Golden Tee 2010 coming in September
The next installment of the Golden Tee series is fast approaching, with a release of the latest title coming next month in September and Incredible Technologies is gearing up to hype the game for all it is worth – which is a good thing since not many arcade titles get a lot of hype »
Guitar Freaks and DrumMania go XG
[Thanks to Phil for the tip!] Konami isn’t letting up on their bemani upgrades and now Guitar Freaks (the guitar video game before Guitar Hero) and DrumMania (kind of the same in regards to Rock Band) are getting some nice updates with Guitar Freaks XG and DrumMania XG. Both games will sport new controls »
LAI Games' Textminator appears at the AAMA Gala
It looks like there is a still a little bit of news to discuss about in regards to the AAMA Gala, with this recent press release that was sent out by LAI Games. You might recall that way back at IAAPA last year, LAI Games introduced a very interesting and unique coin-op title called »
Stride gum launches a Save the Arcades initiative
[Thanks to everyone who sent this in!] When it comes to saving arcade companies across the US, I never would have thought that a gum company would be spearheading an effort to save them. So I am quite surprised and pleased to see this effort that STRIDE gum is taking to save one of »
Arcade style horse racing soon coming to the Wii
The creation of new peripherals for the Nintendo Wii that mimic controls that have already been seen in arcades continues to come along at a steady pace and the latest one that we have heard of would be a “horseback riding simulation” controller. While an interesting idea it is a far cry from what »
New arcade in West Virginia – TJ's Arcade
I’m finding it encouraging that we are seeing more news come around of new locations opening up in various places and the latest example of this opening trend is TJ’s Arcade in Mannington, West Virginia. Located on Main Street in that city, they opened on June 15th and have already stated that business is »
The 5 best arcades still in business (in the Chicago area)
Whoever the contributors are to, they seem to be taking an interest in rating arcades in their local areas lately and here is the latest “Top Whatever” list of the best arcades in a certain area. Last time it was in the Detroit area with the top 10 or 11 places, this time »
New FEC opens in the Tampa Bay area – Xtreme Adventures
The new FEC location announcements just keep pouring in and this one comes from Tampa Bay area in Florida. What used to be a gym has now become a 6,000 sq. ft. entertainment facility for families and in addition to the arcade featuring “an assortment of the latest arcade games” they also have a »