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Sealed Air Foam Prevents Shipping Damage
In the past, Stern used to ship pinball machines in cardboard boxes with more cardboard packed inside in an attempt to keep the machine from moving around during transit. This never worked too well, as some machines would arrive at their destinations with chips and dents. In 2004, Stern switched from their previous method »
Konami's World Soccer Arcade Championship 2008
It has been a little while since we heard about Konami’s latest plans for a coin-op soccer title so for those eagerly awaiting a new title, they have finally revealed World Soccer Arcade Championship 2008. Set to release in Japan on the 28th of this month, the game will include the major football teams »
Distributors or direct, a Stinger Report special
We are at an interesting crossroads in the arcade industry at the moment. The argument about the role of the distributor in the industry is nothing new, as proof Play Meter Magazine asked operators the question of if they would prefer to go completely direct or not a couple of years ago when gathering »
"Post ASI Seminars & Spotlight show" at Betson
(Click on the image above to enlarge) If you live in or near Bensenville Illinois and you wanted to check out ASI, Betson is giving people a chance to get a taste of what their booth was like at the show with their Post ASI Seminars & Spotlight Show on April 24th. In addition »
It's fun to ignore facts (or how not to mention SFIV arcade in the US if you write for a game mag)
To readers of this site, it’s no news that Capcom is looking to bring Street Fighter IV to the US. But this established fact seems to evade the mainstream gaming media, in particular GameInformer. In their latest issue (#181) they have a preview of Street Fighter IV and in it they do mention the »
Update on Sega Rally Arcade – not cancelled
(Click on the images to enlarge) Despite the closure of the Sega studio in charge of creating racing titles for consoles, this title is still on track and is going through testing. To prove it, here are some photos from a testing unit setup just today. Also to further clear it up, this will »
Konami's HorseRiders – an interesting twist on the card-based video game
Of the games I had been hoping to catch at ASI this year was Sanguozhi War 3 by Sega. It had been tested in Chicago but had since disappeared on the US scene. The reason why I wanted to see it was because it’s the first game I know of that was going to »
Sega Rally Arcade cancelled already? UPDATE: No it is not
Just a little over a month ago we had received a tip that Sega was testing a new racer in a UK arcade that happened to be Sega Rally, a racer that appeared on the various game consoles. It was a strange occurrence since the game was not shown at ATEI the month before »
Tekken 6 on US location via The Stinger Report
(Click on the thumbnails to enlarge) I had mentioned in my ASI reports that I had the opportunity to meet up with Kevin Williams of The Stinger Report during the show and after discussing the show and the industry in general he mentioned that after the show he would be heading down to California »
Upcoming game from Namco – AFREC!
[Via Oga in Japan] While Namco had hinted at some interesting developments going on for their arcade division, they didn’t specify what it was that they were working on and honestly I didn’t expect to hear something about any of their new games so soon since we had hoped to see something new at »
ASI 2008 News Recap
Just to help you in case you missed/overlooked anything, here is a recap of some of the news to come out of ASI this past week, either at the show or because of the show: Betson/Raw Thrills’ releases The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift Kit – We first heard about this in the »