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China Town Fair Location Video
Enough of all this negativity, lets get back to the stuff we love. Here’s the latest arcade location video from the guys at Press Start, and don’t forget to head over to thier site for a written review of the site as well. [Discuss on the Forum »
What We Are Playing This Week……
I have been playing a lot of Pro Evo 6 recently in anticipation of the latest yearly update. Which reminds me, what happened to PES arcade, I have not seen one out in the wild yet? Twisted Supreme – Pro Evo 6 (360– Pac Man C.E. (XBLA)– Puzzle League (DS) Shaggy(updated) – Tapper (Arcade) – Wizard »
Initial D4 Websites
While checking up on the Sega Amusements (US) website I noticed a banner for their new racer Initial D4 that states “Click here to see what all of the HYPE is about!”. I think they need to work on the hype part a little more by releasing some videos and screens to some »
gamesTM Review of Mario Kart Arcade GP 2
Click on the thumbnail to check out gamesTM’s latest arcade review. Always great to see arcades getting a bit of coverage in gaming magazines. [Discuss on the Forum »
Maximum Tune 3, Namco Bandai's first global launch
[Thanks to The Stinger Report] In the gaming world it seems that the best launches are always global ones. Game consoles are starting to perfect the art now and arcade manufacturers seem to be getting the same idea. I’m just happy to see players across the globe getting the same chance to play games »
5th Arcadia Cup Tournament ends today
[Via Arcade Renaissance] I missed this one last weekend, thanks to The Stinger Report for pointing me to it. The Tougeki Super Battle Opera is opening the festivities for its 5th Arcadia Cup Tournament in Japan this weekend. Arcadia is the largest public based amusement title, with a dedicated following of the latest in »
New Crane concept – Robo Crane
[Via Kevin Williams @ The Stinger Report] Toy cranes haven’t changed much over the years but as of late they have been seeing some hard competition from the likes of Stacker titles. In Japan they have come up with a new concept for cranes called the RoboCrane. Players steer a robot around to »
EA Sports NASCAR debuting at AAMA gala today
I believe I overlooked this press release with the America’s Army news. In addition to AA, GlobalVR will be showing off EA NASCAR at the AAMA Gala that has been going on this week. I caught something interesting in the press release where it states that John Ray ‘ex-Atari racing guru’ spearheaded the »
Barcade NASCAR Review
For those of you, like me, who eager for more NASCAR info then read this excellent review via Barcade By: Julie Kaluzinski EA Sports NASCAR Racing, officially licensed by NASCAR is Global VR’s latest addition to their line-up. Players choose from 12 of NASCAR’s most popular drivers and race on the most well-known NASCAR tracks. Each »
Shaggy's Weekly Review: Shinobi by Sega
This week I am reviewing a game that I have in my collection that occupies a unique cabinet sitting in my garage. I found it at a thrift store where it was actually a modified Frogger cabinet (with the coin mechs completely removed and a plexiglass panel in place and a completely different control »
Stinger Uber Crystal Ball for JAMMA show
[Via Kevin Williams of The Stinger Report] It’s time for The Stinger Report’s predictions of what we might expect to see at the 45th Amusement Machine Show in Japan this September. It only mentioned games that have been seen on test or rumored and not seen at recent private shows. Enjoy and have fun »
The Stinger Report – UK Distributors at Open-Day Meetings
The latest Stinger Report covers the gatherings of UK amusement distributors at recent events such as the Park Avenue Open-Day and BAR.07, both held in London. A number of popular games were available, including most of Incredible Technologies offerings (minus Golden Tee LIVE 2008). Surprisingly IT brought along the European version of ‘Target Toss »