Dance Central 3 »

NEON FM Andamiro Version Now Available Worldwide; More pictures for Dance Central 3

NEON FM Andamiro Version Now Available Worldwide; More pictures for Dance Central 3

arcadehero May 11, 2016 0

Here are a couple of items related to music arcade gaming today so let’s get to the facts! NEON FM Andamiro Version Now Available Worldwide In June of last year, a new model for

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Cruis’n Adventure and Dance Central 3 Arcade Spotted On Test In Chicago

Cruis’n Adventure and Dance Central 3 Arcade Spotted On Test In Chicago

arcadehero May 5, 2016 13

(Thanks to Jdevy for the tip) There is always something in development for arcades out there and along those lines, one of those games is often out on test. Thanks to the internet and

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