If you have ever glanced at your wardrobe and thought “Gee, I sure wish I could show people my love for Asteroids through my shoes!” then this is right up your alley. Of course if you never really care about what is on your shoes but you like retro arcades, then this still may be for you. Pro Keds has released the ‘Arcade Series’ line of shoes for Men, Women and Kids, hoping to cash in on the retro arcade craze that is resurging across the planet. Styles cover venerable classics such as Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Centipede, Asteroids, Super Mario Bros. (it was an arcade game, via PlayChoice) and last but not least Galaga. You can browse the selection by going to Pro Keds’ website but they do not show the collection all in one place and you have to browse around by going to the Collections section. But in case all you want to do is take a look at them, I captured a picture of every arcade-related shoe I could find on the site, to make it easy for you. (Just click on the thumbnails to see the full image)
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I can’t seem to Buy Online – does that link work for anyone? Trying for the white, canvas Asteroids shoes. Tnx.
You are right, the link doesn’t work – in fact it doesn’t seem to work with any of their shoes. I am using FireFox, I haven’t tried it with IE but the other links work so I guess someone forgot to put in the proper link tags on the page
Hey everyone I am currently selling Arcade series on ebay, for $40.00
Hey yall…. I got the Pro Keds Arcade Series for sale. Email me at
. Thanks.
hi does shoes are hot and I really want them
Soon will be sell the collection Pro Keds collection 2008 to lurban.ro
wow i just got the pac-man slip ons! they’re amazing! i use them as my sk8 shoes and ervyone is jealous. thx prokeds!!! you guyz rock!!!
There’s some on e-bay now
I actually have the pair of shoes in the top picture with the pro keds logo pic before the paragraph and pics of other shoes.