For anyone out there who dreamt of jumping through the TV screen and being in a video game, now you have your chance… well sort of.
On the 17-21 October 2007 the International Design Expo 2007 will be hosting ‘pacman-plus’, among other exhibitions and workshops.
This workshop with initially be a 5metre by 6metre maze, and requires 5 people to join in.
3 Players in the maze.
1 Player is Pac-man
2 Players are the Ghosts.
2 Players outside of the maze.
1 Player in radio contact with Pac-man.
1 Player controlling the 2 Ghosts.
There will be no pills to munch on the way, and the Ghosts do not actually get to eat Pac-man, however there will be 4 ‘Powerpills’ in the maze that allows Pac-man to eat (touch) Ghosts.
Unlike the real game Pac-man, like us humans, only has 1 life, so when you get caught by the Ghost it is Game-Over.
For any of you interested in living out a childhood dream, you just have to get yourself to Birmingham. Entry is £5, and ‘pacman-plus’ participation is free.
Check out the International Design Expo 2007 here
The pacman-plus website here
This year we want to bring it back, BIGGER AND BETTER, and for that we need your help. We’re not just going to update add a one to the number on the end of the title, it’s going to improve big time! But before we tell you how we’re going to make it amazing, we need you go to and help get us a venue for this madness.