Panoramic Mech Simulator Arcades in Japan

Shaggy October 22, 2007 2


(Click to enlarge)

While these aren’t anything new (there is a review of these from sometime ago at they are always cool to look at and even cooler to play. Gizmodo takes a brief look at these games in Japan, which sadly we’ll probably never see overseas. Gizmodo also has a video of the gameplay up which makes me wonder why we don’t see more mech games in the arcade, it seems like mech arcade play is something that should be as natural as a racer or light-gun game as the arcade design can give you an experience far better than a mech game at home.

Here is a video on youtube of these cabinets:

[Via The Stinger Report via Gizmodo] [Discuss on the Forum]


  1. SaraAB87 October 24, 2007 at 5:30 pm - Reply

    Thanks for posting this, I keep finding pictures of these pods and was wondering what they were.

  2. Heero March 6, 2009 at 7:29 am - Reply

    danm japan keeping all the awsome games to them selfs

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