Only One Week To Go! Vote Now For Your Game Of The Year!

Twisted Supreme December 1, 2007 2


So seeing as we are coming up to our first birthday and as we creep closer and closer to have achieved 100,000 hits we thought what better way to celebrate than to hold a poll on your game of the year (released in the UK and/or North America).

Granted it’s not the most original idea in the world, although saying that there is still a general lack of arcade websites out there and we may even by the only one that’s doing anything like this.

So check out the list of games below (if there’s any games you think we’ve missed let us know via the comments), and then hit……..


Thanks to Shaggy for finding this poll website, definitely makes things easier. BTW- The list has been updated, we apologize for missing a couple of games.

So here they are…..

2 Spicy
Aliens: Extermination
Americas Army
Buck Hunter Pro
Chase HQ 2
Crazy Streets – Thrill Drive
Dance Dance Revolution: SuperNova 2
Deal or No Deal [Redemption]
Family Guy [Pinball]
Fast and Furious Drift
Fast and Furious: Super Bikes
Ghost Squad Evolution
Golden Tee LIVE 2008
Initial D 4
King of Fighters Max Impact Reg. A
Let’s Go Jungle/Special
Lost Paradise
Manic Panic Ghost
Mario Kart GP 2
Maximum Tune 3
Outrun 2 SP Super Deluxe
Panzer Elite (i-GO motion)
Sea Wolf (Redemption/Video)
Silent Hill Arcade
Silver Strike Bowling 2007
Spiderman [Pinball]
Target Toss
Tekken 6
The Act
Virtua Fighter 5
Wasteland Racer
Wheel of Fortune (Pinball)

[There may well be some that came out last year, but we figured we’d include them seeing as this is our 1st Annual GOTY Awards!]

Deadline 8th December 2007

[Vote Now]


  1. Molloy December 1, 2007 at 5:51 pm - Reply

    Afterburner Climax?

  2. Shaggy December 2, 2007 at 3:45 am - Reply

    Whoops, got that one up now

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