Street Fighter IV on Viewlix cabinet – uses Taito Type X2 hardware

Shaggy February 8, 2008 2


So I was poking around the Famitsu site a little more to see if there was anything more on SFIV and I had overlooked this article where the editors of that magazine had a chance to play the arcade version. So in addition to absolutely confirming the existence of an arcade version beyond all reasonable doubt, it also gives us a clue as to which hardware the game is running on. The game is housed in a Taito Viewlix cabinet, the same used for games like Battle Fantasia and includes an HD monitor and of course Taito Type X2 hardware. The article doesn’t say exactly which iteration of the hardware is being used but thanks to a comment from RyanDG it appears that a different article stated that it will use the Taito Type X2  (which I overlooked).  The only problem now is  that I don’t know of the Viewlix cabinet being heavily used overseas – let’s hope that they buck the trend on this one although I do hate how that cabinet lacks any type of cool artwork.

[Via Famitsu] [Discuss on the Forum]


  1. RyanDG February 8, 2008 at 4:52 pm - Reply

    It’s definitely the Type X2. In the first article that was posted by Famitsu:

    They state that the game is being developed on the Type X2 platform.

  2. Gamer81 March 21, 2009 at 5:03 pm - Reply

    where do i buy one from?? and how much??

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