Tank Adventure and Drum Party

Shaggy March 4, 2008 1

Here are a couple of new games that I discovered via Highway Games, called Tank Adventure and Drum Party respectively. Both games are in development by Tecway Development which is based out of Taiwan. I was a little surprised to see Tank Adventure as I was thinking about tank games recently for a Missing In Action article (which I will do still). From the Tecway site I grabbed a couple of videos of these games in action and while I don’t know how well they will be distributed, they are interesting additions to the arcade line-up. Tank Adventure seems a little unfinished to be honest – from this video the frame rate looks quite choppy but that wouldn’t be the first time someone has released a game to the public with a less than desirable frame rate although it’s quite uncommon to see such a thing in arcades these days.  The cabinet is really cool though and sports a 62″ LCD monitor. Drum Party is another variation of the arcade drumming concept although it’s design could well attract kids.

Tank Adventure

Drum Party

[Tecway Development] [Discuss on the Forum]

One Comment »

  1. TURKİSH December 18, 2012 at 1:15 am - Reply

    AMK KASIYO herhalde tek türk benim 😀 imdaat

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