PressStartComic: FunSpot 2007 Tournament Video Tour

Twisted Supreme March 18, 2008 2

Better late the never right? PressStartComic just put up thier “lost” video tour of the FunSpot 2007 Tournament. They write….

Here’s the “Lost” video from our trip of the 9th Annual FunSpot Classic Arcade and Pinball tournament. Due to the file size, we couldn’t put it up. But now we can finally share the video with you. A quick tour of all three floors of Funspot.

You watched it yet? Man are there some games to be played there! I think I know where I’m going for my holidays this year!

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  1. Shaggy March 19, 2008 at 3:50 am - Reply

    Holy crap, Funspot is a true hardcore gamer’s dream. That’s the kind of arcade I want to build one day (but with more new games). I would love to get a Major Havoc, although I’d prefer it in an original cabinet as opposed to the Tempest cabinet like they have there.

  2. Nick March 19, 2008 at 4:00 pm - Reply

    Hey guys, thanks once again for linking to the videos. Thank god for YouTube upping the file sizes, I had that one on Daily Motion and NOBODY watched it, everybody just goes to YouTube.

    Just wanted to let you guys know two things.

    We opened a new account on Revver. We’re not abandoning the YouTube page, but it’s nice to have a site where we can put videos up and try to make some money. It’s not much, we don’t get views like Screw Attack, but anythings better then nothing.

    We just got a new Mini-DV cam so we can finally edit our films and put stuff into it, rather then me taking out the six year old digital camera that has horrible quality. We have three new videos up now, a couple of our favorite games and a request from a fan to show off all of the Sega racing games they have.

    The second thing is we’re thinking of setting up a meet up weekend at FunSpot in August. I’d say come for the Tournament but after King of Kong, the place is going to be insane so it’d be better to do something to end the summer.

    We’re thinking August 22-24th (Friday to Sunday) for the meet up. Let me know what you guys think. This is just an idea, nothing set in stone yet, but I’d like to do something.

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