1st arcade in US gets SFIV, more to follow

Shaggy August 14, 2008 3

The Super Arcade (pictured to the right, we’ve discussed it before) in California has claimed to be the first arcade in the US to get their hands on Street Fighter IV and with that I’ve found a flurry of posts from around the internet talking about it (thanks to reader Adam Pfiefer for pointing this out). The Super Arcade got their hands on a Tekken 6 cabinet (which also doesn’t have an official release here – it still remains to be seen with SFIV but the clock is ticking as the console ports get closer) some time ago and reports that came out of it say that T6 has been a a record breaker there. So if you’re in the area you can drop by and see what all the fuss is about. Keep in mind, we know of a few other locations that will be carrying the game as well here soon in other corners of the US. Of course if other arcade games could generate the same amount of attention then we’d be set.

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  1. Slonie August 14, 2008 at 5:26 pm - Reply

    I for one am hoping Sunnyvale Golfland gets it.

  2. editor August 14, 2008 at 6:53 pm - Reply

    I am trying to trace the location of the ten VEWLIX SFIV machines that were at Evo – now add to this the Super Arcade and other HK machines – and all these systems never even made it to ASI or Gala last week!!!!!

  3. editor August 14, 2008 at 11:27 pm - Reply

    Just saw a video and the SFIV was running on two old CRT cabinets in kit form, but connected – sounds like the operator only brought the kits!!

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