Street Fighter IV Tournament

Twisted Supreme September 3, 2008 2

Capcom have announced the Street Fighter IV National Tournament. Qualifiers for the finals will be held across Japan from November 1st to December 7th. The venues for these are still to be announced, but we do know the finals will be held in Shinagawa on January 18th. Obviously it would be great to go there, but I’m sure there will be PLENTY of videos on YouTube for us to enjoy. Anyone want to take a guess and who the winners character will be?

[via Famitsu]     [Discuss on the Forum]


  1. fallingdove January 29, 2009 at 9:07 pm - Reply

    I wish you had Street Fighter IV at your arcade, I would be in there all the time.

  2. Shaggy January 29, 2009 at 11:28 pm - Reply

    I wish I had one too – and the kind of funds to afford games like that when they came along. 🙂

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