A look at arcade cabinets by Fun Company

Shaggy January 14, 2009 3
A look at arcade cabinets by Fun Company

When I was looking at some of the pictures we were sent from IAAPA, I noticed that some of the IT cabinets gt_funglofollowed a different design than the ‘official pedestal’ cabinet followed. I liked these other cabinets more in all honesty and as it turns out, we’ve talked a little bit about the company that makes these cabinets before as they are actually involved in creating cabinets for Sega, GlobalVR, Namco and Konami, with the recent Rambo cabinet being an example of their work. Known as Fun Company, they have been making arcade cabinets in some form since the 90’s starting with cabinets for 8-liners and they wanted us to pass along some of their work so operators know of some alternatives out there for cabinets. Who knows, if anyone out there is building their own arcade game and want to know who they might contact about making cabinets (I know a few of you have asked before), then this could also be helpful in showing you what is out there (since not many companies make arcade cabinets for purposes other than MAME).

Hit the post break for more.

For any images, click on the thumbnail for a full view.

All of the cabinets they produce are made to be “dual kitted” or i.e. you can throw two kits into one cabinet to increase the potential revenue from the unit while saving on space.

Here’s the re-designed IT pedestal cabinet I mentioned called FunGlo. These were at IAAPA and when in a low-light location they look very cool and thus quite eye-catching. According to the company “You can funglo_pedestal_only_flt_smlprovide your own display or projector and in mid-January we are going to start shipping a display stand with monitor attachment. We have two different color schemes available for the FunGlo, blue and green. We also have a chrome version which features chrome t-molding and diamond plate finish on the base. And like all of our current cabinets, this one is able to be dual kitted, so your favorite two Incredible Technologies games all in one!”

Next up are the 26″ 16:9 LCD cabinets, which were popular enough last year that they have begun producing 26_bags_cabinet_flyer_black_flt_webthe same style cabinet in 32″ versions as well. It’s a nice design with a footprint that won’t tax you for space and since they are made to take IT and GVR kits, several games can use them as well.  FC also stated that they make “Midway style” and cocktail JAMMA cabinets in case an operator is looking to replace any aging cabs they might have laying around.

Here is also something I liked to read about the cabinets from Fun Company, especially with my recent experience with a certain game having something to do with stopping movies, whose power supply burnt out right not too long after the six month warranty was up and now I have to pay a ridiculous $120 to globalarcadereplace it since it’s a ‘unique design’. Sorry to rant about that but FC offers lifetime warranties on the power supplies in their cabinets and a 1 year advanced replacement warranty on the LCD screens. You do not find lifetime warranties in the arcade industry very often so when they appear they are worth noting.

Fun Company has several employees with years of experience in cabinet design working on new designs that will probably be ready by AMOA/ASI. To see more, visit http://www.funcomfg.com/


  1. Molloy January 16, 2009 at 2:10 pm - Reply

    I don’t think Westerners can design attractive cabinets. Certainly not since the 80’s. You only have to look at the typical hulking monstrocities built by people on arcadecontrols.com to acertain the kind of naffness being inflicted on the arcade going public.

    Unfortunately the Japanese cabinets haven’t been very asthetically pleasing since the advent of the flatscreen panel. The Lindberg cabinet looks like some sort of PC desk. The Vewlix is the only remotely attractive cabinet available today in my opinion.

  2. Geno January 17, 2009 at 2:53 am - Reply


    I would like to say thanks for the great article. I currently have been employed in the electronics department for 4 years at fun company.

    Recently we have made big changes in our ownership and design staff we have a crew of younger guys with big ideas and are capable of making anything you can dream up. The capacity of our organization is really amazing and it is a great company to work for.

    Our head designer has been designing for quite a few years since the age of 15 he has been working in the design industry if you have an idea to pitch contact Fun Company from there website and as for John in the design department and he can make your idea materialize. And if you have any graphical need contact Bill in the graphics department we are all folks with years of experience in the industry! Some have been around for 20+ years!!!

    China does it cheap and we do it cheaper! Don’t take my word for it contact sales dept and ask for Don or Dan they will give you the full rundown on the prices we can provide!!!!

    Now you know how to ask and who to ask!

  3. Moises Sayasane October 29, 2010 at 1:03 pm - Reply

    Is this WP theme premium or free ? Really nice!

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