How about a homemade Vewlix tournament style cabinet?

Shaggy April 17, 2009 2



If you really want to play something like Street Fighter IV in a proper arcade cabinet, you could buy the actual arcade unit or modify a standard Vewlix cabinet into something you could throw your consoles into or you could build your own Vewlix cabinet from scratch. While I doubt that many people will undertake the last option, it certainly is cool if you could manage to do so. And to help out, someone has created their own modified Vewlix cab, with two MadCatz arcade sticks and a good 32″ HDTV. They opted to use a PS3 to power the game although you could really throw whatever you wanted into it. The creator made the designs first in Google SketchUp 7 and then went to build his own – you can follow all of his progress by clicking the link below and you can even download his completed SketchUp files so that if you are willing and able to do such a thing yourself, you have the blueprints necessary to get started. 🙂

[Donovan Myers – Vewlix Tournament cabinet] [Discuss on the Forums]


  1. ashley April 17, 2009 at 4:14 am - Reply

    i had a similar idea,i had some old rear projection megalos,i ditched the tv screen part and hd lcd to them saves space and brings them upto date with technoligy,also helps bring the people in to play them as not everyone has an lcd to play there games on,just my 2 cents worth 🙂

  2. orochi-x April 19, 2009 at 7:29 pm - Reply


    Thanks for info_ I started building my own cabinet_ Google SketchUp is really cool_

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