The 1st Sydney Pinball Festival

Shaggy May 21, 2009 3


Despite the fact that there is only one pinball manufacturer around these days, interest in pinball itself doesn’t seem to be waning, if the number of pinball expos popping up around the world is any indication. The most recent festival that celebrates the game took place in Sydney Austrailia and Just One More Game got a chance to visit the show and they have posted their review. It looks like it was a lot of fun as there were plenty of pins to play, stacked back-to-back and side-to-side in quite a large room. Stern’s latest offerings were there to be seen, which includes 24 and NBA pinball. It sounds like people really enjoyed the NBA pin so that’s good for Stern since the game has appeal in international markets.

On top of that, one enthusiast at the expo was showing off their own home-made pinball machine, Coconut Island. The use of an LCD monitor is pretty interesting (and IMHO it’s about time someone tried that) but it’s hard to see the playfield very well from the pic. It’s taken the designer 2 years to make it – I am curious to know if he plans on making more than one.

For the full run down, check it out at Just One More Game.


  1. Z May 22, 2009 at 4:55 pm - Reply

    I’m surprised stern doesn’t jump on the LCD play field idea as well. The technology is there so it would only make sense to get with the times and appeal to a bigger market.

  2. justonemoregame May 22, 2009 at 10:48 pm - Reply

    Shaggy, glad you enjoyed my report.

    Regarding the Coconut Island pinball, I struggled to get decent playfield pics due to the lighting.
    But here’s some reasonable shots. And here’s a Youtube gameplay clip. NO – I DIDN’T FILM IT! I’m concerned about the person who did though…

    PS: Yes, they are already working on a followup game.

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