Galloping Ghost relaunches site, adds more pics of Dark Presence; also launches Support Your Local Arcades effort

Shaggy June 25, 2009 2


In March of 2008, we found out about a new arcade fighter called Dark Presence that was in development by an indie dev studio known as Galloping Ghost. We have followed the progress of this game since then and it’s been a little while since there was anything new to report until today where the developer re-launched their website and has provided more screenshots of this game, which is quite different from other fighters out there today since they have taken painstaking efforts to digitize actors into the game, much like what we saw back in the 90’s but with 1000’s of more frames and in high definition (some extra details on what this game has can be found here). We’re still waiting to see how this game looks in motion as well as how it plays but GG is promising some in-game footage soon and when the game is about ready to go they will go on a tour around the US, showcasing the game at different arcades so people can get a hand on it before release.

[New Galloping Ghost website]

In addition to the new site, Galloping Ghost is launching an effort called “Support Your Local Arcades”, where the goal is to do their part to help revitalize the industry. They actuallygalloping_ghost_supports arcades have worked hard to list all the arcades in their area onto (one of the sites you can use to find an arcade near you) and the staff at GG have gone out of their way to help their local arcades where possible, which is pretty cool of them to do in my view. They actually plan on expanding this idea into something larger that more people can become involved with, so we will let you know when that happens.

[Support Your Local Arcades]

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  1. arcads4ever June 25, 2009 at 7:57 pm - Reply

    thats a good thing about supporting peoples own local arcades but what about the rest of the world like the UK as I went on arcade finder but nothing came up

    • Shaggy June 25, 2009 at 8:01 pm - Reply

      Go to the Arcade Finder site and send the makers an e-mail about it. I have talked to them before, I think they would be open to letting users in other countries add arcades to the list. I know that should allow sites to be added outside the US as well.

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