Geometry Wars home arcade cab for sale on ebay

Shaggy July 15, 2009 1


If you own an Xbox 360 then chances are you have heard of Geometry Wars. GW is based upon a couple of classic arcade titles, like Tempest and Robotron 2084 and graphically pulls some of it’s theme from the great vector games of old. So naturally, you would think that someone would undertake the effort to build an arcade cabinet for the game – which they have. Obviously it is not coin-operated as the game was not developed for that feature (unfortunately) but from the looks of this home-made cabinet that is on eBay Australia, it is a perfect fit. The auction has a few days left so if you have a bit of cash (and even more in case you live outside of Australia to pay for shipping costs) then you can enjoy this for yourself.

[Via JustOneMoreGame] [auction on eBay] [Discuss on the Forums]

One Comment »

  1. igo July 15, 2009 at 2:52 pm - Reply

    I love it!

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